Core Values

Embracing Excellence: Qayana's Commitment to the 28COE Core Values

The 28COE Core Values were established by Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, who firmly believes that core values form the bedrock of any organization or individual. These values serve as a guiding light, keeping us on the right path and helping us navigate through challenges with integrity and purpose. At “Qayana- Stylofy Your Home,” we are proud practitioners of the 28COE Core Values, as they align perfectly with our vision and mission.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Bilal and the entire “28 Credentials of Entrepreneur-28COE” team for crafting such meaningful and impactful core values. Their dedication to fostering a culture of excellence, integrity, and innovation has been instrumental in shaping our organization’s ethos and driving our success. We are committed to upholding these core values in everything we do, ensuring that they remain the foundation of our identity and the driving force behind our accomplishments.


At Qayana, integrity is the cornerstone of our business. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, always choosing to do what is right over what is easy or convenient. Our commitment to integrity means that we are honest, transparent, and trustworthy in all of our dealings, whether with clients, partners, or colleagues. We believe that integrity is not just a value but a fundamental principle that guides every decision and action we take.


We embrace boldness as a driving force behind innovation and progress. Being bold means thinking outside the box, taking calculated risks, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. We encourage our team members to be fearless in pursuing new ideas and approaches, knowing that great achievements often require stepping out of comfort zones and challenging the status quo.


Honesty is ingrained in our culture at Qayana. We believe in being straightforward, truthful, and sincere in all of our communications and interactions. By fostering a culture of honesty, we build trust and credibility with our clients and stakeholders, leading to stronger relationships and better outcomes.


 Trustworthiness is a non-negotiable value for us. We understand the importance of being reliable, dependable, and consistent in our actions. Our clients and partners can trust us to deliver on our promises and to always act with their best interests in mind.


We take accountability seriously at Qayana. This means taking ownership of our responsibilities, acknowledging our mistakes, and learning from them. When challenges arise, we don’t make excuses but instead focus on finding solutions and moving forward in a positive direction.


Continuous learning is a key part of our culture. We believe that knowledge is power, and we encourage our team members to seek out new skills, perspectives, and experiences. By fostering a culture of learning, we stay agile, adaptable, and ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing business environment.

Community Of Customer Experience

 Our community of customer experience is built on the foundation of putting our customers first. We listen to their feedback, anticipate their needs, and strive to exceed their expectations at every touchpoint. By building strong relationships with our customers, we create a loyal and satisfied community that drives our success.


Passion is what fuels our drive and determination at Qayana. We are passionate about what we do, and it shows in the quality of our work and the results we achieve. Our passion motivates us to go above and beyond, turning challenges into opportunities and dreams into reality.

Culture Of Fun

We believe that a positive and fun work environment is essential for creativity, collaboration, and overall well-being. Our culture of fun includes team-building activities, celebrations of achievements, and a supportive atmosphere where laughter and enjoyment are encouraged.


Discipline is the foundation of our success. We approach our work with focus, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. By maintaining discipline in our processes, workflows, and decision-making, we ensure consistency, reliability, and quality in everything we do.

Community of Ownership

 In our community of ownership, every team member is empowered to take initiative, make decisions, and contribute to our collective success. We foster a sense of ownership by encouraging autonomy, accountability, and a shared vision of excellence.

Result Oriented

We are results-oriented at Qayana, focusing on achieving measurable outcomes and adding value for our clients and stakeholders. Our emphasis on results drives us to set ambitious goals, track progress, and continuously strive for excellence in everything we do.

Constant Improvement

Continuous improvement is a core value that drives us to seek better ways of working, innovating, and delivering value to our clients. We believe that there is always room for improvement, and we are committed to learning, evolving, and growing as individuals and as an organization.


Leadership is not just a title but a mindset at Qayana. We empower and inspire our team members to lead by example, take initiative, and drive positive change. Our leadership philosophy is based on integrity, vision, and a commitment to creating a positive impact in the world.

Hard Work

Hard work is the engine that propels us forward. We believe in putting in the effort, dedication, and perseverance required to achieve our goals and exceed expectations. Our culture values hard work as a fundamental element of success.


Diversity is celebrated and embraced at Qayana. We recognize the value of different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, and we strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique talents and insights.


 Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We encourage creativity, curiosity, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. By fostering a culture of innovation, we stay ahead of trends, anticipate market needs, and develop cutting-edge solutions that drive growth and differentiation.


Quality is non-negotiable at Qayana. We are committed to delivering products and services of the highest quality, meeting and exceeding industry standards. Our dedication to quality is reflected in our processes, methodologies, and attention to detail.


Teamwork is essential to our success. We believe that collaboration, communication, and mutual support are key ingredients for achieving our goals and delivering exceptional results. By working together as a cohesive team, we leverage our collective strengths and capabilities to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.


We believe in the power of simplicity at Qayana. We strive to simplify processes, eliminate unnecessary complexities, and focus on what truly matters. By embracing simplicity, we improve efficiency, clarity, and user experience for our clients and stakeholders.

Collaboration & Partnership

Collaboration and partnership are fundamental to our approach. We believe in working closely with our clients, partners, and stakeholders to achieve shared goals and mutual success. Through collaboration, we leverage collective expertise, resources, and networks to create value and drive innovation.


Idealism is the driving force behind our vision for a better future. We are committed to making a positive impact on society, the environment, and the communities we serve. Our idealism inspires us to dream big, set ambitious goals, and work tirelessly to turn vision into reality.


 Courage is a value we embody at Qayana. We are not afraid to take risks, speak up for what we believe in, and confront challenges head-on. Our courage enables us to push boundaries, overcome obstacles, and achieve breakthroughs that drive progress and innovation.


We believe in the power of selflessness at Qayana. We prioritize the needs of others, collaborate for collective success, and give back to our communities. Our unselfishness fosters a culture of generosity, empathy, and shared prosperity.


 Entitlement has no place in our culture. We believe in earning opportunities through hard work, merit, and contribution. We value humility, accountability, and a strong work ethic over entitlement or privilege.

Self Respect

Self-respect is paramount at Qayana. We value ourselves, our talents, and our contributions, and we strive to maintain dignity and integrity in all of our actions and interactions. Our self-respect forms the foundation of healthy relationships, personal growth, and professional success.

Client Value Creation

Creating value for our clients is at the core of our mission. We listen to their needs, understand their challenges, and deliver solutions that exceed their expectations. Our focus on client value creation drives customer satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term partnerships.

One Global Network

We operate as one cohesive global network at Qayana, leveraging our diverse talents, experiences, and resources to deliver seamless and integrated solutions worldwide. Our global network enables us to collaborate across borders, innovate at scale, and serve clients with excellence wherever they are.

Unlocking Success: Qayana's Call to Embrace the 28COE Core Values

In a world bustling with diversity, businesses of all scales seek a compass, a roadmap to navigate the tumultuous waters of entrepreneurship. Qayana, an advocate of excellence, extends a hand, recommending the 28COE Core Values as a universal guide.

These values, meticulously crafted by Dr. Bilal Ahmad Bhat, transcend age and industry, offering a blueprint for ethical, purpose-driven success. Whether you’re a budding startup or an established enterprise, integrating these core values into your ethos can pave the way for sustained growth and impact.

Imagine a future where integrity, innovation, and collaboration reign supreme—a future shaped by individuals and organizations committed to a higher standard. Qayana invites you to seize this opportunity, to secure a copy of the 28COE Core Values for yourself or your loved ones. The time is now; it’s a call to action, a declaration of intent—Now Or Never.

Furthermore, if you’re ready to embrace these values and showcase your dedication on a global platform, reach out to us for permission to publish the 28COE Core Values on your website. Join us in building a robust, interconnected ecosystem of entrepreneurs and businesses united by a shared vision of excellence and impact. Be a part of the 28COE global movement, where success is not just a destination but a collective journey towards a brighter tomorrow.

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